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Fundraiser Classes

Is your non-profit organization/group looking for a simple, highly effective

way to raise funds for its' daily operations/special projects?  


Let's face it - in today's economy, "disposable income" is limited and people are hesitant to part with their money even for a worthwhile cause. Finding new ways to raise funds can be difficult - in response to this, Paws N Claws 911 offers a unique fundraising opportunity that provides students with a tangible

return on their investment (the knowledge and skills to help their pet in an emergency) without

requiring a labor/material/time intensive effort on the part of your staff/volunteers. 


Your organization/group in conjunction with Paws N Claws 911 hosts Pet CPR and First Aid training classes for the general public - the only effort required on the part of your staff/volunteers is to promote

the event through social media outlets and word-of-mouth. Students are provided with a discounted

class registration fee - for every student registered, your organization/group will receive a donation

of a dedicated amount per student with the potential to create demand for future fundraiser classes.

 Pet CPR & First Aid - In-person (2.5 hours)


Classes can be held practically anywhere (place of business, animal shelter, school, community meeting hall,

firehouse training room, etc). The host simply provides the class location (an indoor climate controlled facility 

with fixed bathrooms, chairs for all students and ample floor space for skills practice) and promotes the class

(which we provide marketing materials for). Paws N Claws 911 handles all student registration/payment

through our website, is available daily until 10 PM to field students questions/concerns and provides all

materials (handbooks/certificates, demo animals and training props for every student). 


$65.00 registration fee (student saves $10.00 off regular $75.00 fee) 

Host organization/group receives $10.00 donation per student

Earning potential of up to $400.00 per class (maximum 40 students per class)

(schedule weekend morning/afternoon sessions to further increase your profit potential)


Pet CPR & First Aid - Online (2.5 hours)

Classes can be held "virtually" anywhere students have online access to a screen. The host simply promotes

the class (which we provide marketing materials for). Just as with our in-person classes,  Paws N Claws 911 

handles all student registration/payment through our website, is available daily until 10 PM EST to field

students questions/concerns and provides handbooks and certificates for every student.  


$65.00 registration fee (student saves $10.00 off regular $75.00 fee) 

Host organization/group receives $10.00 donation per student (maximum 20 students per class)

Earning potential of up to $200.00 per class (with ability to schedule multiple class dates) 


Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Fundraiser Classes


"The cost seems a bit steep compared to other fundraisers we've run"

Our experience has proven this not to be an issue as our classes consistently sell out to maximum capacity (often prompting the host to schedule a second class). Pet parents and pet care professionals will gladly invest in these life saving skills to safeguard the well being of their four legged, furry family members and clients. Students agree this

is "pawsitively" the best investment they have ever made for their pet! Paws N Claws 911 handles all the registration/payment through our website and provides the host with their portion of the funds earned (the day of

class for in-person and following our online classes).            


"We don't have our own facility to hold these classes in"

With the few simple logistical needs required, the in-person classes can be held almost anywhere - be creative and

think "outside the box" to secure a host location at no cost (community center/library meeting hall, firehouse training room, karate/dance studio, etc.). As an incentive to help secure space for in-person classes, we offer two seats in the class FREE of charge for the host facility's staff as a thank you for the use of their space (these seats do not deduct from those available for paying students). **Please note that class location must be an indoor climate controlled

facility with fixed bathrooms**


In-Person Classes

Animals of any size/species are not permitted in the class due to logistical reasons (student allergies, facility policy restrictions, etc.) so this should not be a concern for a facility when considering hosting a fundraiser class. Hands-on instruction and skills practice is conducted on simulated animals of various sizes to ensure proficiency in the life saving skills taught. **For any student(s) accompanied by a bonafide service dog, this restriction is waived accordingly**


Online Classes

Students may have their pets with them and can use them to perform hands-on skills practice in a truly "live" setting. They can also utilize a stuffed dog or cat for skills practice if their pet is uncooperative as well as for certain skills that cannot be performed on live pets (i.e. CPR/choking management). None of the skills practiced cause any discomfort

or harm to live animals.  


How do we promote the event?

Simple - harness the power of social media and word-of-mouth! Have your staff/members tell everyone they meet

about the class, send out e-mail blasts, post on social media and put a flyer in the hands of every person who interacts with your organization/group (everyone has a pet or knows someone who does!). Paws N Claws 911 provides a

"turn-key" marketing plan (at no cost) including a PDF format flyer complete with your logo and the details of your class(es) to distribute to pet stores, veterinary offices and other pet friendly businesses, a press release for community newspapers and marketing advice/support. By highlighting that this is a fundraiser supporting a non-profit group and that it teaches life saving skills to help pets, the class (and its associated promotion) will be well received.    


Paws N Claws 911 handles all the registration/payment through our website and addresses any questions/concerns the students have freeing your staff/members to focus on their daily mission and to promote the class(es).        


What does it cost us for Paws N Claws 911 to teach classes?  

There is no cost on the part of your organization/group - Paws N Claws 911 derives our payment (and travel expenses) from the registration fees paid by the students. We handle all registration/payment through our website and address any questions/concerns the students have freeing your staff/volunteers to focus on their daily duties while promoting the class(es) for maximum profit potential for your organization. A check for the funds earned  is provided to your organization/group the day of an in-person class or following an online class. 


How much money can we earn?

Your earning potential is based entirely on your efforts to promote the class(es). With our in-person class, your  organization/group can potentially earn up to $400.00 per class (schedule AM/PM sessions on a weekend

to increase profit potential) while the online format provides the opportunity earn up to $200.00 per class (with the ability to schedule multiple class dates). We also offer specialized classes (Advanced Pet First Aid, Pet Safety in the Home seminar) that can be offered the same day or as future fundraisers to further increase your earning potential. 


By hosting these classes, your organization creates the potential for future fundraiser classes as students will tell their family/friends/fellow pet lovers about their positive experiences prompting the demand for additional classes.


Who can run these classes? 

Any non-profit organization/group in need of funding for their daily operations or special projects. While we promote this largely to the pet community, the classes can be run by any non-profit group (does not have to be pet related).   With the appeal of this training to a broad audience of the general public as well as pet care professionals, classes can easily be promoted and filled to maximum capacity.  


These classes are a win-win for everyone involved - pet parents and pet care professionals get educated in life saving skills at a reduced cost while your organization/group gains needed funding without a labor/material/time intensive effort on the part of your staff/volunteers! Let your members do exactly what they volunteered for while Paws N Claws 911 helps your organization raise needed funding!  


Call today to discuss scheduling fundraiser classes for your organization/group!   

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